[CH] Re: MWPH Down?

Jeff Chandler (chandlerj@gactr.uga.edu)
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 08:40:21 EST5EDT

Talk about your odd and ironic timing.  I was considering asking the 
list about the VERY same thing.  Actually, the last few days I've been 
scanning the digest for any mention.

>Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 08:28:49 -0500
>From: Mary Going <mary@firegirl.com>
>Subject: [CH] Re: MWPH Down?
>Jim Campbell is definitely still in business, but we are having a problem
>with internic - they are backed up since the 11th, and are not getting
>things done very quickly. You can email him at mwph2hot@indy.net
>Sorry about the problems.
>- - mary
>At 06:15 AM 1/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>Firegirl - 
>>Any idea if Jim Campbell is still in the good stuff business?  I tried
>>emailing him a couple of times over the past few days at his
>>wildpepper.com address, but email was bounced back.  I tried accessing
>>his site directly & through links on your site, but was refused/bounced
>>Any info would be appreciated.
>>Jeff Johnson
>FireGirl (Everybody Needs A Hero)					
>Internet Solutions Superhero
>800-344-8882 * 207-623-6008 * Fax: 207-623-6019

Jeff Chandler,
Computer Services
Georgia Center for Continuing Education
The University of Georgia
email: chandlerj@gactr.uga.edu