[CH] Source of pepper extract

Bruce Baumgart (bruceb@srv.net)
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:57:38 -0700

Does anybody know what kind of peppers they use to make pepper 
extract.  One guy I know says "Obviously habs.  That way you 
need fewer peppers."  I wouldn't think so, because habs are 
harder to grow (need longer growing season, etc).

Also, seeing as how I am very sensitive to vinegar, I am always 
looking for non-vinegar-based sauces.  A different friend of 
mine was in Pennsylvania, looking around at some sauces, and found 
one that he proudly brought home for me.  I tried some, turned a 
"little" red, sweated profusely (profainly???).  I looked at the 
label a little closer.  It was "Da Bomb". Wow.........
First paragraph guy says that nothing can be hotter than Dave's.

Bruce "still sweating" Baumgart

Bruce Baumgart