Peeps, A friend of mine used three inexpensive 48-inch hanging fixtures, two bulbs each, which were sold as workbench lights. We built a lightweight frame to hold them, and suspended this at variable height by chains and hooks. We would lean down to eye level with the leaves, and look up at the lights from the leaves's perspective. If the lights were far above, they looked like a bright patch in a completely dark sky. If the lights were just inches from the foliage, it was like looking up at a brightly cloudy sky. We also lined the enclosure with white paper, not foil. The plants grew full, not spindly. I was in the depths of winter depression the last time I wrote, at the bottom of the season. Now, though the days are not noticeably longer yet, I can at least read my fellow northern-hemisphere chileheads describing their seedling projects. Ah, it almost seems like Spring is on the way somewhere. My web site is nearing completion, but I still need to put up the cooking links page. I'll have a chile-heads section there, and then apply to Mark's list of member web pages. Alex Silbajoris addicted to travel