Re: [CH] DC Bound

=Mark (
Mon, 25 Jan 1999 13:27:36 -0500

At 10:20 AM 1/25/99 EST, mks man wrote:
>Come on, Mark, you've been down here a million times, you would probably 
>be able to tell a bunch of us where to go around here for good hot food.  
>I went to a place the other day called Mango Mike's on Duke Street.  I 
>asked for the hot stuff and I can say that I was pleasantly surprised at 
>the heat level, although not completely satisfied.  It's mostly a pseudo 
>Caribbean restaurant with an American twist.  Lots of fancy naming of 
>dishes but with a very respectable Jerk sauce.

Went to Mango Mikes last September (Used to be the East Coast Seafood Grill
or something, didn't it?  I ate there too...).  Ate on the outside deck and
watched as a thunderstorm blew in.  Luckily it didn't start to rain till we
were done, and boy did it pour!

Also found a good Korean/Japanese restaurant in Alexandria called Hee Been.
 It has a widely diverse menu and would be even more enjoyable if you could
be accompanied by someone with a better knowledge of Korean cuisine.

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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                                                          Yeah?  What exit?