At 10:30 AM 1/26/99 -0500, you wrote: >Raw pork? Chicken? Really? > >I've had raw beef and fish/shellfish, but wouldn't even think about eating >raw pork or poultry. Not an option. :o) > Actually pork is not really a problem anymore. Infection with tricinosis has been eradicated for decades now. I would not likely eat it raw, but I'm certainly not cooking it to death as is the practice of my former mother out-law... Poultry is altogether another matter. It's amazing that poultry plants are allowed to continue to function given the percentage of their product that is contaminated. If beef or pork production allowed that percentage of contamination they would be shut down. =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens @ @ @ ICQ# 2059548 @ Where ya' from? Jersey. Yeah? What exit?