Re: [CH] Fertilizer questions.

Brent Thompson (
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:28:58 -0800

> What's the best all around fertilizer for peppers grown in pots? 

I would vote for "Miracle-Gro for Tomatoes".  Of course there is a down
side: Miracle-Gro products are expensive.

Optimal fertilization is probably just exactly as directions indicate,
namely, weak fertilizer solution being the only source of water.  Most of
us do not have automatic watering systems with injection fertilizers, so we
have to adjust fertilization schedule to what we can physically accomodate.
My guess would be that, regardless of fertilization schedule/frequency, the
right amount is approximately comparable to the same amount of fertilizer
as the plants would get if given solution fertilizer diluted per package
directions as the only source of water.  So, if, say, the directions tell
to water with a solution of 1/4-1 tsp. fertilizer per gallon of water, we'd
want to choose the lowest end, hence 1/4 tsp. per gallon.  If a particular
chile plant uses 4 gallons of water per week, I guess that would mean
something like 1 tsp. of fertilizer per week would be the dose that
particular plant should get.

Of course, you're going to have to adjust according to local conditions.
For example, if you're watering a lot because you have very high
temperatures with very low humidity and maybe even windy conditions too,
and especially if for some reason you're using clay pots in such
conditions, so that dinky tiny plants are needing 4 gallons per week due to
evaporation, pretty clearly giving 1 tsp. of fertilizer per week is pretty
soon going to turn the poor thing into a petrified plant due to this high
concentration of salts.  Observation and common sense are as invaluable in
this endeavor as in everything else.

 ---   Brent