[CH] Fellow ChD's - RedTide, Chipotle, Pricing

Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:17:53 EST

Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning is a concern for me too, I'd love it if chiles
could eliminate, but, alas.  Last year in Florida after an outbreak of
RedTideFever from shellfish served at a restaurant, researchers found that
about 40% of people who ate the same clams/oysters raw did not become ill.
Interestingly, followup interviews found that each of them had consumed at
least two drinks of booze with their meals (not beer, not wine, but liquor;
source NPR).  I love raw shellfish as much as Dave Sacerdote but if I'm in a
restaurant, I pass on my favorite beer and have a couple of highballs.
Ancho vs. Chipotle?  The concept is like Mom vs. Dad.  Here's another vote for
both.  However, it's the frequent mention of the rarity of Ancho, Chipotle,
and other chiles that intrigues me.  Can't the rest of us be helpful to those
in areas where such seasonal shortages occur?  
Finally, I can't abide the thought of "Kristofer" paying $10/lb. for chiles.
I don't know what the regulations might be for mailing chiles to Sweden, but
I'm willing to become a seller or reseller to reduce his capital outlay.  And
the "stupor market" price variations are amusing.  I can't beat .89/LB but
just yesterday paid .99/LB for orange habaneros (assorted hot peppers) at a
local WestMass chain.  I was so stunned at the offering, I didn't think to buy
them all.  Even so, this A.M. I'm drying madly. 
Gareth the ChileKnight