Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V5 #249

Cameron Begg (
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 08:06:16 -0600

Hi C-H's,
Suz wrote:
>Could it be that the chipotles do not have seeds in them?
In reply to:
>>> there any
>>> reason that Chipotles should have a lower heat rating than Jalapenos?
>>> Penzeys lists their crushed & powdered Japalenos at 55,000 SHU,
>>> while their Chipotles are only listed as 15,000 SHU.

Whole chipotles do contain seeds but remember that the seeds do not contain
capsaicins, except by exposure to placental tissue. I have made a lot of
chipotle, and can tell you that the removal of the water from the jalapenos
greatly increases their zing. Scoville units are notoriously unreliable and
not based on controlled scientific measurements. The receptors in your
mouth work better than any GLC machine!
                     Regards,               Cameron.