[CH] Habanero syrup

Nels Peterson (npkp4jp@polarcomm.com)
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 20:51:22 -0600

By accident - I made some of the wickedest syrup this winter.  As per one of
my previous posts, I was given a few pounds of habs at a local grocery
store.  I dried some, but attempted to make a batch of jelly using apple
juice as a base. Boiled the habs in the apple juice and then followed the
jelly recipie on the pack of pectin.  Ended up with a beautiful red/orange
syrup,  great on ice cream, pancakes, and we've even used it as a brush on
bbq sauce.  Have made 'buffalo balls' a couple of times, mix the syrup with
tomato sauce half and half and use as a sauce when making hot bbq meatballs.
BTW - the meatballs are made using bison and pork.  

Nels in ND