Re: [CH] Popsicles manzano

Michael Bailes (
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:26:16 +1100

At 1:03 PM -0500 11/3/99, wrote:
>In a response to my posting (Jonathan T. Smillie) wrote...
>"Just a quick question- I've not heard of Manzana chiles before, but you
>refer to the seeds as being black. The only variety I have run across that
>sports black seeds is the rocoto, Capsicum pubescens. Is "manzana" another
>name for a rocoto, or is it a different variety of pubescens? "
>Yes, Jonathan the Manzana is the rocoto...and peron and caballo too. I think
>the manzana name is a trademark or locale. I am not as up on the scientific
>names as I should be, but I am confident you are correct there also. If the
>manzana is not available in your area a good substitute with a similar
>flavor/heat would be the smaller yellow Peruvian pepper because of the
>"fruity" taste and moderate heat. Use 10 instead of 8 to compensate for the
>size difference.
"manzano" is spanish for apple or pear? (I have no Spanish) refering to the
shape and size of the fruit.

Michael Bailes.
The Fragrant Garden, Portsmouth Road, Erina. N.S.W. 2250 Australia. (OZ)
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