[CH] Another Market Survey

Fri, 12 Mar 1999 11:25:50 EST

Gtoughchile@mail.greatbasin.net writes:
Would you buy Holland pepper seeds?  Yes, particularly yellow and orange,
perhaps purple as well.
Dave, since you sent me to this site, perhaps you can unravel total yield from
highest fruits per plant?  Does that mean - at the same time?
> http://www.fiery-foods.com/whatsnew/confrnc3.htm
"The 1.5 (pepper plant) spacing resulted in the highest early and total yield,
while the 3 foot spacing had the highest number of fruits per plant." 
And, while I'm at it- for one and all ChD's
the Habanero heat and smell thread - 
I agree with the observation that the "low heats" have a grand culinary niche
(Anchos, Pasillas, and what I buy as "colorins" but I think are coronados) and
add wonderful flavors to any dish, but I need Chipotles, Guajillos, Pullas
(Puyas), and Serranos to "kick it up a notch."  For my taste, Habaneros are an
occasional fire infusion, but more often a dusted or pinch addition to their
cooler brethern or sithren in recipes.  As for the note "they smell bad," with
apologies to Haby afficianadoes, they make my kitchen dehydrator smell like
old socks, and wet old socks at that.
Finally, I heard on Public radio that Jalapenos from Mexico are wholesaling at
$0.15/lb. endangering domestic sales as they are "dumped" on the market.  I'm
as big a bargain hunter as anyone, but I'll pay higher domestic prices to
encourage our native growers.