Re: [CH] heat for seedlings

Rosemary Basil (
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 17:40:37 -0800 (PST)

Brad, the answer to your question is at my new webpage!
I would like to invite anyone with pepper growing questions and
container curiosity to visit CITY PEPPERS. As many of you may know, I
garden exclusively in containers on my balcony in the French Quarter
of New Orleans.
Sweeeeeet, HOT n SpIcY,  they are easy and fun to grow and they just
LAFF at the HEAT! Grown in containers, you can bring them indoors at
the end of the season with your fruit trees and other tropicals. Sweet
and hot peppers are great in salads, salsas, etc. stuff, fry, pickle
or  dry for seasonings. They are very rich in vitamin C and enhance
the immune system.
Well, hell I don't have to sell you chilieheads on peppers! LOL
My webpage contains basic info and can serve as ground zero to links
of other pepper resources but it has an emphasis on container
gardening.  It's very interactive with a chatroom &  message board, my
Yahoo & Excite PEPPERS clubs and mailing list for tips and seed
exchange,  a links database anyone can add to. I also invite any
businesses to contact me if they want me to sponsor them.  Pages with
growing tips and seed sources, recipes, arts n crafts, and  hot sauce
(Many pages  still under construction, this is NEW!)
Unlike many sites,  I will attempt to provide info on sweet peppers as
well as the ever popular and trendy chilies. I try to make it FUN &
entertaining with photos and graphics. If you have anything to
contribute, please email me!
I just came in from my garden and picked a cayenne, and saw a conchi
de toro, some jingle bells,  and muchos poblanos.  They just got over
2" of rain & temps are gonna drop again to 40's...they're rugged
little buggers! I know I don't get the yields you farmers get but it's
plenty for my needs and I'm havin a blast gardening all year round.
Folks up north can too with proper heat and lights!
Thank y'all for this wonderful list, it's been my inspiration and I
hope to get to know many of you better.
Growin pepper crazy down in New Orleans,
Rose wrote:
> Help! I am new at growing peppers and everything I read says that
heat for
> starting seedlings is a great thing to do. Is it? If so, where do
get the
> constant source of heat? 

City Jungles...gardens of passion! CITY PEPPERS- grow em!
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