[CH] fert, seedlings (for lunch)

Shad D Munson (capsicums@Juno.com)
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 10:36:15 -0500

Hey All,
	I've had luck with a once a week 10-10-10, as recommended in "The
Pepper Garden".
	Of my 400 seedlings I am down to about 160 as I have had
excessive trouble with birds eating them to the stem.  I ended up
building a 15 ft by 6 ft by 6 ft high nylon screening "box" over my
garden, and laid out the seedlings (I started this after loosing 28 Red
Savina's over night).  The crazy thing is, is that my plants (large old
plants) are being attacked as well.  My two year old Red Savina plant (in
full bloom) is with out any flowers nor blooms.  I draped some cheese
cloth around an a cage with some you plants, but I only have so much
time, and space.  I was kind of hoping I could hide the seedlings further
up on my back porch get during construction of my "box" the took out 32
Caribbean Reds.  If any one has a  solution or any experience with this
matter send me an e-mail.                    
                                     muito obrigado

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