x DE>> every recipe they post in cooking areas. They can't all afford to, for DE>> one thing. :) x DE>So I should be the Guinea pig and spend the money instead??? x That's your choice...but should the preferences of those who don't want untested recipes narrow the range of choice for the rest of us? I can see tagging them as tested or not, since it's such an issue for some folks here. I can't see insisting we not post untested ones at all. x DE>And a lot fewer bad or mediocre ones posted too. The good recipes have DE>been tested. A good cook has a lot of pride in what they post. x How do you know everyone here's a good cook, or cooks in a style you'd like? Just because someone on this list liked it is no guarantee I will. :) x Rain @@@@ \\\\\ --- þ OLX 2.1 TD þ What this country needs is a good five-cent nickel