[CH] Another Question...re: seedlings

RST G (synapse7@home.com)
Wed, 24 Mar 1999 11:20:32 -0500

Once my seeds have germinated, how long should I wait before putting
them in my kitchen window? Once they sprout? or should I wait until they
are slightly larger and healthier?

I have always grown them in the window, never on the top of the
refrigerator. This is a first. I already started putting seeds up there.
My portulaca seeds have never germinated so quickly. They are now in the
window. But I want to make sure I do everything right with the pepper

I will be planting seeds for: Chocolate Habs (thanks S. Black)
                              Louisiana Cayenne (thanks Rosemary)
                              Pequin (thanks AutumnRhea)
			      Super Serrano and a few others.

Need this information quickly. Thanks.
