[CH] Interesting way to germinate

Kasprowicz, Ray (RKasprow@microage.com)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 07:58:37 -0700

I found an interesting way to keep my seeds warm on their way to
Our cable box (converter from COX) is on all the time and I've noticed that
the transformer keeps the box pretty warm. Although I didn't measure the
temperature, it's very warm to the touch. This inspired an idea.
I took my little plastic green-house and placed it on top of the cable box.
In less than two hours, the top was full of condensation.
The seeds were planted on Sunday of last week and so far one set germinated.
sits in a cut open plastic milk jug on the patio. I cut the jug right below
the handle and left about 1 inch connected, it now hinges. 
The other 5 varieties didn't sprout yet, if anyone is interested I'll keep
you posted.
Just a good idea for using something that's already in the home.