[CH] ChileHead Listmember Homepage

=Mark (mstevens@exit109.com)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 11:25:34 -0500

At 01:42 PM 3/28/99 -0500, Charles Demas wrote:
>The "Rogue's Gallery" and Mark's list of Chile-Head pages are helpful and
>fun, but the people listed there so far are those that have provided 
>the information.  I list my homepage URL in my sig, but it has no 
>chile info on the homepage.

Actually, to be truthful, I did not actually solicit permission to collect
and post the websites of listmembers.  I generally just copied the URLs of
listmembers who included them in their sig files, or possibly mentioned
them in the bodies of their messages.  I figured they did not mind the
publicity.  I would readily remove the URL of anyone who objected, but to
date have not had any such requests...

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

                @ http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens @
                                  @ ICQ# 2059548 @

                Where ya' from?
                                                          Yeah?  What exit?