Re: [CH] Aphids HELP!!!!

Harold Eddleman Ph.D. (
Thu, 01 Apr 1999 19:38:52 -0800 wrote:
>  Help!!! I need to find someway to get rid of aphids on my new pepper
> plants!!! I know about buying insecticidal soaps...... anyone have any
> homemade recipes that work!?
  After two years of disaster in my greenhouse in which thousands of
raspberry MP microcuttings died in spite of very costly items such as
Talstar which gave some relief I now use soap at nil cost. 
  Wash a bar of Ivory or other soap in water in 1/2 gal of water (I use
a gallon icecream bucket) until the water is somewhat cloudy. takes 10
seconds or so. Add a few drops of your favorite liquid shortening such
as any kind of Crisco. Now wet the plants. For small plants in pots I
just invert them in the soapy/oily water. Does not harm plants. I leave
them i the water for afew seconds to minutes. 
  Remember aphids can be low on plant and not wetted and reinfect plant.
One good treatment will eliminated aphids and mites. 
Harold Eddleman Ph.D. Microbiologist. 
Location: Palmyra IN USA; 36 kilometers west of Louisville, Kentucky