At little history of this bug spray. In 1995 I had 128 different garden bugs in my garden, 1 which I still cannot find. I started using Jerry Bakers Tobacco Juice, Dish Soap and mouthwash formula, In the last 3 years in a 20 by 60 ft garden I now lose maybe 1 or 2 plants to cutworm. instead of about 20 to 50% of what I planted. I have found that this will take care of almost every above ground bug except for Cabbage Maggot and Cabbage looper. In Zone 5. This is probably one if the cheapest and safest bug sprays you can find. Its the only one I am not worried about. Formula in a 1 qt container mix 8 oz Lemon scented liquid dish soap OR Baby shampoo 8 oz Mint Flavored Mouth wash 8 oz Tobacco Juice and 8 oz water. Any of the above ingredients can be the cheapest store brand that you can find. Tobacco Juice: To make 1 Take a small chunk of panty hose, tie a knot in one end. Out of a pouch of chewing tobacco, take what you can comfortably hold between your thumb and 3 fingers. (about 1/3 oz if you prefer to weigh it out instead) Place into tea bag and tie off end. Option 1 Place in pot and simmer until water gets brown. Option 2 Place tea bag in about a 1 qt jar, fill with water and let sit in the sun for a couple days. Leave cover on but not tight. After either method. add to a 1 gal jug and add water to make 1 gal. This is your concentrated solution. The above formula can be used in a 20 gal hose end sprayer or use 1 1/2 oz in a 1 gal pesticide sprayer, or mix 1 gal and use a 1 pint spray or plant mister. Spray your plants minimum on a weekly bases, If the bugs are really thick you can use it on a daily bases until you get them under control. This spray falls in the catagory of contact poision, in that it kills only after making contact, with no residuals. Best time to apply is either early AM before sun hits plants. or between sunset and sundown. Personal prefence for plant application, use chemical sprayer to get under the leaves better. For soil application, apply right after a rain. for deeper penetration. Chemical effects. For those worried about TMV. There is enough surfagents in the dishoap and ethanol in the mouthwash to kill any TMV, Odds are greater than 10,000,000 to 1. Dishsoap. A. Acts as spreader slicker for smoother application B. Helps wash off air polution C. Makes water wetter for better soil application D. On soft bodied insects, that breath thru their pores, the soap sufficates them E. Some bugs clean their appendages, if they have soap on them, it gives those bugs terminal dysentery. Also same effect on bugs eating on plants. F. Some bugs are repelled by the smell of lemon. Note: if you prefer a soap to a detergent then use Baby Shampoo. Mouthwash. A. Helps control many bacterial infections B. Messes up bugs reproductive cycles. C. Mint repelles some crawling insects. Tobacco Juice. (Nicotine) A. Affects the central nervous system. Note: The amount of nicotine is less that 1/100,000 that of what a tobacco chewer chews in 1 "chaw" Application note. I applied some to some Japanese Bettles in bright hot daylight. I appears to dry out before affecting them, but does work in about 15 min on overcast day or after sunset. Smells good and doesn"t spoil Byron