Re: [CH] TMV in the GardenToday
Tue, 13 Apr 1999 00:44:01 EDT

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rose~ Rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't 
leave!!!!!!!!!!! We all need to take the bad with the good and not wallow in 
the bad sooooooo long~ I look at it this way if you have something nice to 
say .....SAY IT~ if not  well..... truly consider others feelings.... and if 
you beg to differ...just do it without the insults!! This isn't the Chile's Chile -relate!!!!! GET IT?????????? man my peppers are mighty 
happy this time of the year............let's all follow suite~ PEACE!!!! Hey 
did you get the license # of that  truck that just hit this list????? I think 
I am about ready for one hell of a great Chile recipe!!!! Something having to 
do with Lots of Hot chiles....lots of wonderful people ...extra humor.... and 
a whole lot of smart chile-head knowledge.......can anyone help me out??? ~ 