[CH] tomatillo buds

David C. Yoshiba (av8d-ysb@asahi-net.or.jp)
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 17:12:39 +0900

Someone earlier today (in my time zone anyway) said that tomatillos would be
harvested about 5 months after the seeds went in the ground. This has got me
very curious. I'm growing them for the first time and I've got no idea of
what to expect other than they seem to just grow out of control into an
astonishing entanglement.

I started a couple of tomatillos from seeds about the end of March. They are
now about 30cm or 12 inches tall. They have what appear to be buds on them.
Are these false buds? Are these unusual plants? Does it simply take forever
for the fruit to mature? Should these buds be nipped like one might knock
off early chile flowers or fruit?

Sorry that I stupidly trashed the original messge, so I'm not sure who
produced the five months figure.


David Yoshiba