[CH] Puta Tree Pepper???

Wed, 28 Apr 1999 14:19:25 EDT

Have a quick question about a Puta Tree Pepper.  I bought a plant last year 
and planted it in a too small pot and nothing much happened and it succumbed 
to our unseasonably cold California winter freezes.  Anyone know this one?  I 
know what the word Puta is in Italian. Ahem!

I bought another healthy nice looking plant yesterday.  It is about 10" tall 
and has oblong small fuzzy leaves.  The tag says "The hottest of all".  Long 
skinny baby finger length. 5'-10' tree habit requires support.  By second 
year, very heavy yielding all year round for years.  From the Azores.  
Tolerates cool summers.  Protect from hard frosts.  Very attractive against 
trellis or in a large patio container.  Full or 1/2 day sun. Fertilize. Use 
fresh or dry.

I want to know how it tastes and if anyone has experience growing this?

