[CH] Groaner, Chili Red

Deb deForest (deforest@selec.net)
Thu, 29 Apr 1999 09:08:46 -0500

David, Just wanted to let you know that your groaner didn't go
unnoticed, it just hurt a bit too much to acknowledge at first.  But I'm
a pun lover as well as chile lover so I had to comment once I got some
chiles eaten to ease the pain. 

David Cook wrote:
"...here's the Austin Hotluck write-up.  First, I gotta apologize for
the delay in getting this posted, but hopefully my lame excuse will make
itself clear as this goes along...(snip)...we were
both hit by a car pulling out of a parking lot. As a result I was left
on crutches and my wife was hobbling very, very slowly." 

It is summer in Houston.  Temp around 90F with 100% humidity yesterday;
to be similar today but cooler on the weekend (Praise El Grande).  So
far pequin (Firecracker), habs and a chile labeled "Chili Red" doin'
fine as frog hair.  I fear for the Rocotos but had to give them a try
(tips anyone?).  The pods on the Chili Red look long and thin so
far...anyone know this pepper?
Deb in Houston