Hi all! I am planning a central New Jersey hotluck for a Saturday or a Sunday in July or August. The weekends are July 10,11,17,18, 24, 24, 31 and August 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, or 29. Bring your bathing suit, the pool should be warm by then. Which day is better - Saturday or Sunday? Jeff Porter can't make it the following weekends: 7/31-8/1, 8/21-8/22 plus another weekend in July because of a family reunion being planned. Charles Keith Welsh's dates that would work best for him are July 17,18, 24, 25, or August 7, 8. I may have a conflict on July 17. I also have a friend from Toronto coming for a visit at some point but wont know the weekend in July or August for a month or so. She is not a hothead but I have gotten her to be more adventurous since I visited her last June. Yours in Heat, Karen E. Stober kstober@att.com http://idt.net/~karen1/