[CH] corrected website

David C. Yoshiba (av8d-ysb@asahi-net.or.jp)
Mon, 3 May 1999 18:51:04 +0900

Sorry, folks,

After getting a bunch of e-mail moaning about my chile garden website being
tough to read, I went back and reworked it. It should be easier to read
(possible to read).

I apologize to the people that had problems reading the site
before--especially those that are paying for their Internet connection out
of their own pockets. Spending money on a site that is going nowhere is a

(I also got one complaint about the advertisement window that pops up when
the site opens. Geocities, who host the site, put that there. I don't really
have a lot of choice about it. If you don't want to see it, just click on
the main window. The ad will slip into the background.)

For those interested, the URL:

I would like to thank Gary Mattingly and RisaG for the suggestions and help
they so kindly passed along to me. They made substantial contributions to
site's improvement.

Thanks again,

David Yoshiba