At 03:52 PM 5/4/99 -0700, Rockin' Randy wrote: >Mark, > >That's an idea! Maybe it's the combo that gets me! > >My last frontier to conquer in the food arena was Sea Urchin at the Sushi >place. It looked slimy but Okra it wasn't! The thought of eating it made >my skin crawl. But after a large bottle of Sapporo and a serving of Saki >I ordered it. After slapping a big wad of wasabe on it I fearlessly >downed it. It wasn't too bad, not unlike cold scrambled eggs. > >Once again the heat of the wasabe was what drove up the toleration factor. > I've always felt that sushi and sashimi were just an excuse to chow down on wasabi and pickled ginger! >Have you added new menus? Do you take mail-ins or do you prefer to >collect them yourself? > The last menus I added were from my Las Vegas trip a month or so ago, and can be seen at: I pretty much limit my collection to places wear I've actually eaten. As the menus posted are just about 5% of my total collection, I've got plenty to keep me busy. I hope to soon post menus from a couple places I visited recently in Cape May. =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens @ @ @ ICQ# 2059548 @ Where ya' from? Jersey. Yeah? What exit?