[CH] Re: recipe please!!!!!!!

Andy Barnhart (quark@erols.com)
Wed, 05 May 1999 20:23:16 -0400

Hi Mary-Anne,
A short story:

*  The concept for the overall dish,
*  The preparation of the  "Jack Daniel's Marinated, Pan-Seared Sirloin Tips"
*  The administration of the Fresh and Smoked habaneros to the cassoulet, and
*  the overall dish preparation  were all mine.

However, I must confess that I cheated on the Cassoulet:
I was to a four+-star restaurant earlier in the season (knowing that I was
destined for a hotluck) when my wife ordered "Charbroiled Fillet en Cassoulet
(et. al.)".  I took one taste of this and immediately knew that some of Jim's
apple-wood smoked habanero dust in it would make an ideal basis for a super
hotluck dish.

For an off hour, I arranged to get  together with the head chef and told him
what I wanted to do.  He provided some cassoulet for experimenting and my idea
was confirmed.  He told me that a good Cassoulet is a very basic and flexible
preparation.  A couple of days prior to the hotluck I bought a quart of
Cassoulet for the purpose.

I knew that very a full-bodied meat was required to balance the strong flavor of
his cassoulet and the habanero.  Some time last fall I had a sirloin that was
served with rich brown sauce prepared with Jack Daniels.  When that though
connected, I knew I had my dish.

I made it *very* hot  -- at the limit of my CH tolerance.   It just disappeared.

Shantihhh@aol.com wrote:

> > I plan to make again the "Jack Daniel's Marinated, Pan-Seared Sirloin Tips
> > in Cassolet with Fresh and Smoked Habanero," that I brought to the ...
> I would love the recipe for your "cassoulet"!
> Thanks,
> Mary-Anne