Re: [CH] Behind as usual: Grits 'n stuff

Linda Reynolds (
Mon, 10 May 1999 09:53:13 -0500

>I got some Jamaica Hell Fire yesterday.  'Triple Red Hot', it says.  'Hot
>enough for me', I says.  And, at Value City Dept Store (Are you there,
>Bargain Betty?), Paul P's Magic Pepper Sauce.
>JC the Other, currently betting that Mr Frost won't come again to northern

Hey JC!

Yes, I am here and reading.  No Value City Stores around here but Betty did
get a few good deals yard saling on Saturday.  I got a brand new, unopened
bottle of Wango Tango Dinosaur Hab BBQ sauce (from the Dinosaur Grill in
Syracuse NY) for .25 and also a string of Chile pepper and hot sauce bottle
patio lights (seen at Big Lots last year for $5.99) for a buck.  See, there
are people out there that have chiles in their midst and still don't see
the light and pass them along to folks like me!

....hey, somebody had to save these items from going to the salvation army bin!

Bargin Betty
in Upstate NY