RE: [CH] Cowhorns

Mon, 17 May 1999 15:29:54 -0600

Point taken, Marshall, although I think it may come down to "How skinny is
'slender'?"  The peppers I grew were perhaps as wide as Anaheims, not as
narrow as Serranos.  Some of them did tend to curve on themselves, but not
as pronounced as an actual cow's horn.

Does anyone know of a picture online?  I checked the Chile Gallery (new and
old).  My peppers looked most like the Big Jim's in the new gallery.

Not that this is terribly important; the chiles tasted great and had enough
kick for me!  The heat came on strong and fast.  The first time I tried them
I simply chopped some up to eat alongside grilled flank steak.  At one point
I had to soak my lips in my milk to kill the fire.

Thanks for the info.
Scott "not Ashkenaz, either" Thurston