[CH] Rare Meat

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
16 May 99 22:10:16 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Luke Van Santen" to All <=-

 > Grill until rare (please don't overcook venison steaks!!)

 "VS> Now most of you might already know this, but before my wife became
 "VS> pregnant, I did not. Wild game (or at least that served to pregnant
 "VS> women) must be cooked to an internal temp of at least 160F (just like
 "VS> hamburger) so that the expecting mother does not contract
 "VS> toxoplasmosis. Evidently, toxoplasmosis causes miscarriages. Enough
 "VS> said. 

I had never heard of toxoplasmosis before and your comments caused me to
do some research.

Apparently it is a protozoa not a bacteria so freezing the meat will
take care of it. And it isn't just wild game but all meats that are a
risk. Besides miscarriages there is a risk of retarded and otherwise
damaged babies as well. It can be deadly for fetuses but is relatively
harmless to healthy adults.

" Health Answers Medical Reference Library - Toxoplasmosis

Definition: A common infection with the protozoan intracellular parasite
Toxoplasma gondii.

Prevention: Avoid undercooked meats, or freeze meat to -20 degrees
Celsius for 2 days. "

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                                                            YK Jim