Re: [CH] Yucca Root

Brent Thompson (
Tue, 18 May 1999 19:01:02 -0700

> Hello, Everybody - Does anyone have a way to prepare and serve Yucca Root?

I've never heard of anyone eating yucca root, though I suppose people must
have, if times were desperate enough.

Yuca (the Spanish name for this root), on the other hand, is basically
similar to potatoes (or taro, or yams, etc.) and is prepared and eaten
pretty much the same way, i.e. boiled or steamed would be the most common
way.  Another name for yuca is cassava.

Of course, thinking of it by its other common English names, tapioca, we
understand yuca can be used to make various forms of desserts, too.

Personally, I way prefer the taste of both potato and taro over that of
cassava, for probably all non-sweet, non-dessert type uses, anyway.

 ---   Brent