[CH] Re: early flowering seedlings

City Print (cityprint@xtra.co.nz)
Thu, 27 May 1999 13:11:00 +1200

24hr a day lights induce rapid vegetative growth. 24hr showed best growth, 
18hr used less electricity. Then after the plants are large enough, min. 60 
days or so, switch to a 12hr on / 12hr off cycle. The dark period signals 
to the plant the onset of winter and flowering occurs. The annual life 
cycle of the plant can be crammed into 4-6 mths depending on how large you 
want your plants. The theory being - plants reach maturity based on how 
light they've been exposed to, not chronological age.

Has anyone tried this method with chiles? Would it work?

Disclaimer: Never tried this myself.  I didn't inhale. ;-)

