[CH] Chile shop in Suburbia

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 23:53:38 -0400

Dear Chile-Heads,

Well, they had the effrontery to put up the second largest mall in the
country less than a mile from my house, in West Nyack, New York.

However: this mall contains a little shop that sells chile products
exclusively. I paid it a visit last night. The proprietor for some reason
decided that I was a possible candidate for his milder products. After
recovering from this painful exposure to a total stranger's erroneous view
of me, I set the record straight by requesting tastes of all the available
habanero and aji sauces. When I inquired about Dave's Insanity, considering
I've always had a hankering for burned cat, I was informed that the sauces
containing pepper extract were not available for tasting since the
occurrences of several unfortunate incidents involving screams of agony and
other unpleasant bodily reactions which I had the good taste to refrain
from questioning about.....

So if you find yourself in West Nyack, New York, and feel like browsing for
chiles, head for the unlikely Mega-Mall and treat yourselves.

Usual disclaimers apply.


Alexandra Soltow


I honor and express all facets of my being, regardless of state and local laws.