Re: [CH] Strings of chiles

Sean Robert (
Wed, 17 Jun 1998 08:33:57 -0400

Andrew Healy wrote:

> Sorry, but, I do not know the Spanish word for them, but does anyone have
> any tips on making those strings of red/green/mixed chiles ?  I have heard
> that they make good air fresh scent packs, too- any other ideas ?
>                                         Andrew Healy

  How to make Ristras

(or, what to do with those red chiles you are trying to dry!)

A ristra is the long strings of chiles you see all over New Mexico in the
fall. They're pretty easy to make and several hanging around the house/office
will definitely
mark you as a true chile-head.

You will need about four pounds of fresh red (or just starting to turn red)
chiles; New Mexico type pods are the easiest, but you can also use poblano,
tabasco or even serrano for a midget ristra. Don't use green chiles; they are
too immature. A ball of light cotton string and some heavier wire or twine.

Tie clusters of 3 pods together with the cotton string by holding them by the
stems and wrapping the string around 2 or three times. Loop the string under
one of the
chile pods and bring it up between the peppers (back to the stems). Make a
half-hitch and place it over the stems and pull snuggly. Continue along the
string tieing
sets of three peppers (space them as 3-4" apart if you can, but further is
ok). If the string gets too heavy or unwieldy then break it and start again.

Now attach the twine or wire to a rafter, door top or whatever. Make a loop in
the end to keep the chiles from sliding off, then, starting at the bottom,
braid the
chiles around the twine. Use the twine as one strand, and braid two of the
chiles around it. Keep pushing the center down to insure a tight fit and
spread the chiles
evenly around the center.

You can make a wreath from smaller pods by braiding around a straight coat
hanger, then bending it in a circle. If possible hang the ristra in direct sun
where there is
good air circulation. I've got mine hung from the east eves. You may have to
bring them in at night or if the weather gets damp. The chiles will mold or
rot if it's too
damp, or if they don't dry evenly or fast enough.