Just a reminder, the SoCal hotluck is scheduled for July 11th, at our place in Oceanside CA. Starts at 2:00PM, ends when the neighbors complain... E-mail me for directions, we'll have a map up on the web page shortly! Jim Campbell is sending some of the bread, he tells me that when he dries the savinas they ooze oil. He substituted that for the tomato juice in the recipe. Assuming that the package doesn't fall into the hands of the HazMat team, we should have one of the hottest loaves of bread around! Curt & Susie Snyder Hot's Desire 3137 Mira Mesa Ave. Hot Sauces & Fiery Foods Oceanside, CA 92056 by mail order **Now open in Plaza Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA!** 1-760-732-0199 http://www.machines.com/hotsdesr 1-800-381-4687