[CH] A Chile Garden In Las Vegas

Mon, 22 Jun 1998 15:55:55 EDT

Well I've decided to take a stab at being a gardener once again.  Ever since I
left Syracuse, NY, anything I planted has managed to die.  The causes of death
may vary...dog...wind...sprinkler system meltdown...and neglect on my part.

This year after hearing many good reports about Cross Country Nurseries,
(usual disclaimers...blah..blah...) I decided to try my green thumb again.  So
I ordered and received in great condition some plants.

Aji Brown
Bulgarian Carrot
Cayenne Golden
Cherry Chocolate
Congo Trinidad
Red Savina
Mulato Isleno
New Mexico #64
Roumanian Hot Hybrid
Scotch Bonnet Red
Scotch Bonnet Yellow

The plants have been transplanted into a soil medium made up of 60% Potting
Soil, and 40% aged composted steer manure.  I am using old 5 gallon pickle
buckets as planters.  I can then move the plants around so they don't fry in
the intense sunlight.  I'll also be able to move them inside should we have an
intense wind storm as we normally do, and with El Grande's Blessings the
plants can be moved indoors for a longer season.

Right now the plants are ranging from 6" to 12" tall.  A couple of the plants
have formed buds for flowers.  These buds are only about the size of a BB
pellet.  Should I pinch these off?

New leaves are developing, but some of the older leaves have brown spots on
them.  I think its from them getting hit with the intense sunlight, but I
could be wrong.  I have moved them under the roof of our patio so they get
indirect sunlight from about 11am until 6pm when they get direct sunlight for
about an hour or so.

I am watering them everyday since the heat tends to dry the soil quickly.  I
water them only in the morning.  Drainage in the buckets is good.  There are
holes in the bottom of the buckets to allow excess water to drain out.

So, does it sound like I'm doing anything right?

If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

Yours Truly in Supreme Heat

ChefChile@aol.com   aka "John"
TCS Mystic Fire Priest
Monk of the SOB
Executive Chef Ring O' Fire   C=:-)    
Humble Servant to El Grande

Accompanied by his Ever Faithful Basset Hound "Chile Pepper Houndini"