Re: [CH] Any New Jersey Chile Heads?

=Mark (
Wed, 01 Jul 1998 08:33:18 -0400

At 07:54 AM 7/1/98 -0400, Stober, Karen E, SITS wrote:
>Are any of you Chile Heads in New Jersey?  Are there any hot lucks in New
>Jersey?  I live in Warren, which is right in the center of New Jersey.
>Yours in heat
>Karen E. Stober
>home page:

Well, there's at least one!  I live down near the shore in Tinton Falls,
which is near Red Bank (Guess what exit!).  For some reason, among the 4 or
5 mailing lists I subscribe to, virtually none have members that are from
the New York metropolitan area (or at least admit to it...).  The closest
hotlucks I have been to have been in Concord, Mass. and the DC area.  There
will likely be another just north of Baltimore in early fall (The Autumnal
Equinox Hotluck?) at Anne Lafond-Walkers parents place.

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens
                @ @
                                  @ ICQ# 2059548 @
                Where ya' from?
                                                          Yeah?  What exit?