[CH] Hot to Trot......

Linda Reynolds (lr21@cornell.edu)
Wed, 1 Jul 1998 14:53:00 -0400 (EDT)

....No, sorry Rael, I didn't find that red head you've been looking for!

Just a blurb to confirm other reports that we have heard about the good
effects of Chile pepper consumption......

SELF Magazine/July 1998

Pg 84 under the Nutrition Flash:

Eat hot before you trot:  A meal laced with hot red pepper elevated the
adrenaliane levels of distance runners for 30 minutes after eating,
according to a study from the University of Inchon in Korea, suggesting
that spicy food may rev up metabolism.

....Now, who sez this couldn't be the next Viagra?????  Hot, spicey meal, a
little Mister Twister......hmmmm......watch those nuckles!
