Re: [CH] slugs

Lorraine Heidecker (
Wed, 8 Jul 1998 10:43:44 -0700 (PDT)

 I expect its because the hairs discourage ants from climbing up the 
stems and so they do not graze their aphid "cattle" there.

I have found any really effective aphid control also includes ant control 
(I use Grant's Ant Stakes in all my potted chiles.)

Peace, love and peppers


On Wed, 8 Jul 1998, Robert Farr, Chile Man wrote:

> I also notice that my chiles plants with hairs - such as Manzano Rojo or 
> Rocoto - don't have aphids, but the rest do.
> Any ideas why?
> And what kind of control works BEST??  I've tried insecticidal soap - 
> even daily application is having difficulty controlling the aphids, and 
> my plants are the worse for wear because of the soap.  The garlic/pepper 
> spray works okay - but it also contains soap.
> Help!!
> TIA,
> Robert.