[CH] Re: Tomatillos

Alexandra Soltow (pamra@rockland.net)
Wed, 8 Jul 1998 14:32:32 -0400

Many thanks to those of you who added to my supply of tomatillo knowledge.
It looks as if it's not quite Green Salsa Time here yet....

Robert Farr wrote,

>They sure produce a lot from one plant, don't they?!?

I planted about six plants, all of which are delightedly flourishing in my
little garden patch; it looks as if I may have more tomatillos than I'd
need to make salsa for the entire population of the Internet along with
their families and friends!

If anyone knows of alternate uses for tomatillos (someone mentioned pie!),
do let me know.


Alexandra Soltow


I refuse to live a life that's not worth writing about.