[CH] a nice hab sauce

Suzanne (suz@avana.net)
Thu, 09 Jul 1998 15:59:55 -0400

Hey all,
I figured I'd share a find with you...I picked up a bottle of "walker's
wood scotch bonnet pepper sauce" at the farmers market today.  Nice kick,
remininscent of Righteous Ralph actually - with that true hab flavor coming
through.  Good consisitency with whole seeds in the mix.  I think I paid
about $3.50 for it.
	On a sad note, my bottle of "flounder juice" hot sauce apparently couldn't
take it anymore and committed suicide.  It leaped out of the refrigerator
as I opened the door and shattered and splattered on the floor. Sad, it was
nice on shrimp... hmm..for shrimpin'?
	I spoke to the people at Sundown (where the Atlanta CHs will be dining on
Saturday).  They seem very neat and are totally open to me bringing in the
bread and sauces etc.
That's it for now.

take care all,