re: [CH] Escargot w/Chiles

The Old Bear (
Wed, 15 Jul 1998 09:18:09 -0400

In Chilehead's Digest, v.4 #489, Senor Chile Monger wrote:

>Date: Tue, 14 Jul 1998 07:21:42 -0700
>From: (Senor Chile Monger)
>Subject: [CH] Escargot w/Chiles
>Sorry about the subject line, just an attempt to keep this on topic. 
>The Decollate snail has been used for over 100 years in Southern 
>California for control of the Brown snail in citrus orchards. . . 
>It is interesting to note that the Brown snail was introduced in 
>Northern California as a food product in the mid-1800's, however, the 
>incorrect variety was introduced. . . . the adult Brown snail is not 
>the best flavored snail for human consumption, and chiles make 
>everything taste see where I'm going with this.  8-Þ.


Having lived for over a decade in San Francisco, I recall reading an 
article in an airline magazine about the company in Sonoma County 
which markets flash-frozen locally-raised escargot.  To paraphrase 
what I recall of the article:

   With the advent of Sonoma's locally-raised escargot as a 
   complement the brie and camembert cheeses from Novato and 
   the production of caviar from sturgeon raised in the 
   Russian River, it will probably be just a matter of time 
   until someone imports French pigs to rout out truffles 
   under the redwoods.

A little North Coast chardonnay to go with those escargot-and-habanero 
buritos anyone?

The Old Bear