[CH] not salsa

Darryl Corp (word@vicnet.net.au)
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 16:14:38 +1000


Much is said in this list of salsa - and, I suppose, why shouldn't it be?

But friends, there's more.  Here is a sauce for those of you in the
northern hemisphere where basil may be taking over the garden - a wonderful
sauce to accompany kebabs, for example, on khobz (Middle Eastern bread)
with all that goes with them.


Geoff Slattery's Tomato Sauce

1	400g can tomatoes
1/4	cup sugar
3/4	cup white, cheap vinegar (don't use powerful vinegar: this is here
				 			for its tartness
and its preserving qualities)
2-3	chiles (a variety that appeals)
2 	teaspoons salt
1 	bunch basil

Mix everything but the basil in a saucepan and cook until reduced by half
(sauce should be of the consistency of ketchup).
Remove and add the basil (it is unnecessary to chop it).  Whiz and bottle
(sterile bottles).  Seal while hot.  It lasts for months.