Re: [CH] The Bread

=Mark (
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:34:54 -0400

At 11:31 AM 7/17/98 -0700, Randy wrote:
>Hi Mark,
>You're right.  "Hefty" in terms of The Bread is quite different than a
>hefty slice from a french loaf.  My hefty slice was about the size of
>three stacked soda crackers.  I did not eat it straight - it took lots
>of grits and water and even then it still "smoked" me!
>My friend I previously mentioned who sampled a piece said it must be
>similar to what licking a hot frying pan would be like!

Actually the frying pan would give you instant heat & pain.  The bread
builds relatively slowly such that by the time you are halfway to nirvana
you realize there is no turning back...

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

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