Here is an article I copied from August 98 Popular Science Some Like it Hot WHY DO PEOPLE IN THAILAND prefer spicier food than people in Sweden? It's because spices offer some protection against the food-spoilage bacteria that thrive in hot elimates, according to two biologists at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. After analyzing thousands of recipes for the traditional meat-based dishes of 36 countries, Jennifer Billing and Paul W. Sherman conclude that countries with hotter climates use spices more frequently than countries with cooler climates and within large countries such as the United States, the hottest regions have the hottest foods: Chili is a hit in San Antonio, while Chilly Boston tends toward clam chowder. A taste for spices: has been passed down over many generations. In hot climates, our ancestor; who enioyed splces with their food were apt to live longer and produce more ofspring, says Sherman. "And they taught their offspring and others "This is how to cook a mastadon" Spice World Not all spices are created equal. The 10 with the greatest effectlveness against food-spoilage bacteria are listed here. Garlic Onion Allspice Oregano Thyme Cinnamon Tarragon Cumin Cloves Lemongrass I guess this means that us CHs will live longer and produce more offspring. Who's got a good recipie for spiced up mastadon?