[CH] Additives for Red Chile Sauce, Manzanilla, Bufalo chipotle, etc.

Jesse Guadiana (jguad1@mer.cioe.com)
Fri, 24 Jul 1998 23:37:37 -0500

Calvin & ChileLover et CHers,

I'd throw in a lil' cumin i.e. comino into the red sauce.

"Manzanilla" is none other than chamomile. Good stuff as a tea; I'll
hafta try it on salsa de chile rojo, etc.
As for tamarind, has anyone tried "Pulparindo"? It's a 'candy' made of
tamarind pulp, salt, sugar, and CHILE. A nice pick-me-up . . .

> Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 19:58:11 -0500
> From: Calvin Donaghey <gdonaghey@bitstreet.com>
> Subject: Re: [CH] Additives for Red Chile Sauce
> John-
> I highly recommend manzanilla, a small daisy-looking flowering plant.  It usually
> comes in small dried bundles in the produce department.  Rub the bundles between
> your hands and use everything that falls free.  I also like tamarind pods.
> Calvin
> ChileLover@aol.com wrote:

But wait! There's more! 

Not meaning to get into a SaturdayNightLive skit abnout shopping
bargains, but Bufalo Chipotle sauce at my local mega-mart, the 5.x oz.
bottle, goes for US$0.89; SHIPPING will add at least a couple of bucks,
so US$4.xx isn't bad . . .for one; If ye CH's want a mass shipment to a
hotluck or something, please advise an' we can plan something... I gotta
visit the bloomin' place for BABY -oriented products at least 1x/week
anyway . . . Bufalo chipotle lasts a LITTLE longer, as it shares shelf
space / consumption duties with other CH additives.

Hasta la lista,
Jesse G. in NW Indiana, Etats Unis