Re: [CH] First Hab

Suz (
Mon, 27 Jul 1998 19:44:29 -0700

We're having just the opposite effect from that blasted El Ni...  Everything
in this part of California (high desert, southern California) is at least a
month behind schedule.  The tomatoes are coming up roses, and a variety of
some peppers, but the habs ... they look anemic.  :(  Green, growing a bit,
but no blossoms.  I'm starting to experience hab withdrawal already!  Even
though I still have a few ziplocked dehydrated ones from last year,
anticipating a lean hab winter.

And the baby quail have finally made their first appearance, albeit a month
late also, usually we see them in early June.

I did find a teeeeeey lil hab on one of the plants, about the size of a
large pea.  And it had already turned orange.  I picked it, haven't sampled
it yet, just saving it for the right time.  *sigh*  The jalapeņos that got
the leaves chewed off earlier this spring are doing well, starting to
blossom, so maybe there's hope.

Maybe someone could help me identify some fruit trees that were inherited
with this place.  The fruit is quite hard, the skin is now turning dark red
on the outside, fruit is green.  The pits look like peach pits.  Nectarines?
Apricots?  Peaches?  They taste like green apples, but apples, they aren't.

>Yipes!!!!  I just took a look at my fields for the first time in almost
>a month & found that I will be picking habs within two weeks.  It might
>be sacreligious but that's TOO EARLY!!  I only have time for one crisis
>at a time (Indiana State Fair first).  My Jalapenos are already red as
>are the normal early stuff like Cayennes.  It appears that my crop is
>running almost four full weeks ahead of 'usual'.  El Ni... certainly
>hasn't been bad for Hoosiers!
>-Jim C
>Mild to Wild Pepper & Herb Co.

     ("`-'-/").___..--''"`-._           Suz,
      `6_ 6  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)  aka
      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'   the katj
    _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' ,'
   (il),-''  (li),'  ((!.-'
