Chipotle Coyote (coyote@calweb.com)
Sat, 01 Aug 1998 14:00:48 -0700

Those of you who are mustard fans.. might want to know August 3rd
is national mustard day.

The name is said to come from a Roman
mixture of crushed mustard seed and MUST
(unfermented grape juice), which was called
mustum ardens  ("burning wine"). Likewise,
the French word moutarde  ("mustard") comes
from a contraction of their moust  ("must") and
a form of ardent  ("hot" or "fiery"). 

 Crazy Coyote - Howlin' for Habaneros                  				    
"The key to my lyrics is imagination. The rest is painted with a little
Science-Fiction" -Jimi Hendrix