[CH] An Idea for the Oceanside chile restauranteurs...

Scott Northup (northups@ohsu.edu)
Mon, 03 Aug 1998 11:33:44 -0700

An eyeball sweatin' greetings to ya...

I read your message awhile back about wanting a new event idea for your
Last super-bowl sunday here in Portland (OR), a rest. called Salvadore Molly's
(a fantastic place devoted to two burn meals that has a wall of chile sauces you
can stand and look at for 1/2 hour...) had a roasted hab eating competition.
Some lightweights tried to stand tall for a few, but had to go running to mommy.
The true hardcore locals were there as well as two local TV stations
(remember... this was the day most Americans paid homage to their god... the
TV).  There were basically no rules except you had to eat one at least every
five minutes and you could consume whatever chaser you wished..
I believe the winner made it into the mid-forties... (we all paid our homage to
the lining of his stomach...)
A very good time was had by the participants as well as the onlookers... 

Can you imagine what his monday afternoon was like??  

Now you all behave...