RE: [CH] Potassium

Kath Hodgson (
Mon, 17 Aug 1998 19:35:52 +0100

I've been using 'Tomorite' on my Habs and it seems to have worked a
treat (although I haven't got a control plant to test against) At the
English Chile fiesta yesterday, they were advocating high potassium for
plant growth and high nitrogen for fruit development.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Healy []
Sent: Monday, August 17, 1998 12:52 PM
Subject: [CH] Potassium

Have read that a high potassium tomato food is the best stuff for
rapidly growing peppers.  Could anyone out there say as to the expected
resultof watering my babt Scotch Bonnets with it ?

That which doesn't kill us, makes us strong !  <Nietzsche>

					Andrew Healy